Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Greener , healthier Texas.

A entry made in the blog Tex Report, argued that it's a good idea that lawmakers pass a bill introducing the idea of would ban restaurants from serving foods that have more than 1/2 gram of trans fats per serving.
The writer provided their own personal lifestyle and related facts about the obesity rate and it's ongoing increasing numbers. I think the writer has some really good points, because of my bad diet I figured out why my skin condition flares up. who knew I was lactose intolerant and my skin can't handle highly processed foods and meat. (God..)
Another example is my mom, because of her bad diet she ended up in diabetic coma , not even knowing she contracted type 2 (two) diabetes.
Though, I think the public is going to get a little angry about this bill because the way most people see is it, is that it's their bodies and they can eat whatever and however they wish to.
It's the same state of mind smokers have on smoking ordinances.
But, honestly I think the citizens should get over themselves and I really think about what their saying , are they truly happy with their health and body issues? Well, I know I'm not and for people like me who have to constantly watch what I eat and the time consuming task of figuring out what the hell I'm going to order from this menu. A bill like this would really benefit people with diabetes and other health problems. Some restaurants list their gluten free items for people whom are highly allergic or live a certain lifestyle.
In conclusion, I think at a nation level this country is fat and we have to start somewhere on changing our eating habits even if it starts at the state level.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can't believe Americans are still blaming restaurants for their bad eating choices. This bill about banning restaurants from serving foods that have more than 1/2 gram of fat is crazy.

    I don't want to seem too harsh, but Americans really have to get over this obesity deal. I mean , I get it that some people have conditions that affect their weight, but at the same time they also have a choice where they eat. From what I see, most restaurants have already cut back on how much they serve. They also serve healthy foods at just about every restaurant.

    In saying that, I don't agree with the author, but the argument was put together pretty well. I have to say that this type of bill can definitely cause some tension with Americans, especially those who dine out every night. Again, it is totally up to every individual to manage how much they eat.



somewhere in the, tejas
My name is Sarah Carpenter, I view myself as and independent leaning to the left a bit. I'm taking this class to futher my knowledge of texas government. I also want to prove to others that the difference between me and other "young voters" , I know what I'm voting for and why. In better words: I don't vote stupid. Not only that, it's very naive to not know anything about your own state's government. I don't have much political backgorund, but i am very opinionated when it comes to war, congress, and gay civil rights. I have a strong interest in history when it comes to wars such as the one in Veitnam and the times of the civil rights movement. So hopfully people can gain an insight into what I beleive and think, Hopfully I won't offend anyone.